
My name is Carlos Fernandez and I’m the owner of World of Space. I’m a Crafts Person with a passion for creating and transform.

I started my company, World of Space 4 years ago, with the idea of helping everybody like yourself, to transform your dreams in reality by offering custom Closets, Kitchen remodels, Custom furniture, TV units and more. In 2020, I met Mishelle, my soulmate, and together rename the company with a word that could express who we are and what we do.

MERAKI is often used to describe the soul, creativity and love you put into something; is the essence of yourself you put into your work, and this is how World of Space became MERAKI MILLWORK.

“We will provide attractive, stylish furniture at an affordable price. We believe that luxury furniture does not have to have luxury prices.”

If you are like us, then you like to get things done the right way.

If this is the case, we have got you covered!

We promise to do our best in
– Providing quality service.

– Giving you a pleasant experience.
– Making your dream designs come true.
– Meeting your expectations.

Let us transform your home.


Carlos Fernandez & Mishelle Ayora

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